Clinical Study

Clinical Study “The possibility of antepartal prevention of episiotomy and perineal tears during delivery (2016)” confirmed Aniball is the most effective method of birth injury prevention.

The study has been done independently and compared various methods of perineum injury prevention, including perineal massage and methods such as rasperry-leaf tea or linseed. 

315 primiparous women were questioned after their delivery on the use of various methods of birth injury prevention. Study confirmed there was significantly higher number of women with intact perineum after the use of Aniball as well as significant reduction of episiotomies.

The difference between women using Aniball and the ocntrol group was enourmous. 43.1% of women with intact perineum after the use of Anbiall vs only 14.1% in the control group. The possibility of antepartal prevention of episiotomy and perineal tears during delivery (2016)