A proven medical aid
for pregnant women

Proven amongthousands
of satisfied mothers

Supported by hospitals,
recomended by experts

You will be
prepared for birth

Aniball – for easier childbirth

Proven medical device intended for prenatal preparation, prevention of perineal injuries and stress incontinence. Is used to train the proper function (activation/relaxation) of the pelvic floor muscles.

Antenatal preparation with Aniball:

  • effective physical and mental preparedness and self-confidence for birth,
  • a significantly lower risk of tearing or episiotomy during childbirth,
  • training for expulsion of the newborn,
  • training in the appropriate position for birth,
  • positively stimulates the vaginal tissue and improves perineum elasticity,
  • effective rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles after the sixth week after pregnancy,
  • preventing incontinence.

Start practicing from the completed 36th week of pregnancy, just 15 min. daily.

I like Aniball, it’s simple, efficient, safe and supports the elasticity of natural tissues. I definitely recommend it. We’re certainly satisfied with it.


I see Aniball as a useful aid to understanding your body. It helps a woman to discover how her body works during the expelling and what kind of feelings there will be in the final labor stages.

JANA ČURDOVÁ, labor assistant, mother of two children

Aniball is a great tool to help women well prepare their body for delivery. Women who have used it are ready to delivery better – mentally and physically. They can well work with their muscles in the final stage of delivery. From my experiences, I can confirm that there is lower risk of episiotomy and extensive injuries. After giving birth they are much more active than their female colleagues in the department. Aniball is appreciated in the postpartum stage, when women practicing Kegel exercises to prevent muscle weakness of the pelvic floor. Aniball I can only recommend.

MUDR. MARIÁN KOLLÁR, President of the Slovak Medical Chamber

What I can say about Aniball is that it’s an excellent tool that helps women to cope well with childbirth. Women who used it before giving birth are better prepared for childbirth, able to coordinate their muscles well in the final labor stages. From my experiences I can confirm that in most of the cases it’s not necessary to perform an episiotomy and also injuries of the perineum are less frequent.

MUDR. ALEŠ JURČÍK, gynecologist

Your experience with Aniball …

I started the exercise at 21 cm and I reached 29.8 cm 2 days before giving birth. Thanks to Aniball I was less afraid of childbirth and I believe that also thanks to it the birth became an experience for me. It was absolutely easy, basically I knew roughly what to expect. The labor lasted about 3 hours, without epidural anesthesia, without episiotomy and without any injury. In the hospital I was an exemplar – I had fast delivery and without injury as a primipara and almost the only one able to sit, walk and function normally after childbirth. The midwife also highly praised the balloon. Thank you very much for this great invention that makes sense and has certainly helped many women. If I plan another baby, I will use the balloon again 🙂

Melanie K.

I decided to try the balloon after reading several reviews. The first insertion was awkward, inflating even more, but I wasn’t panicking, logically, it’s just not a pleasure 🙂 I exercised for about 14 days, then the head already descended, the cervix shortened and the inserted balloon began to bother me… They were only two weeks left till the date of a labor and I had 25 cm safely practiced. I spent 20 hours in the delivery room on the day of the labor. The second stage of labor, however, from all this lasted “only” two hours, and when the moment for pushing came, I was – although a primipara – an absolute professional. I knew the technique of expelling the balloon and the pressure caused by the descending head was also well known to me. The labor was finished after a quarter of an hour, our magical Leo was born with an incredible weight and measurement of 4010 g and 54 cm! When the doctor checked my condition, the perineum was WITHOUT a episiotomy! For all expectant mothers – don’t hesitate to try Aniball, it certainly works, at least for encouraging the mindset of a woman in labor, which I rank in first place.

Gioia E.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

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